Sunday, January 24, 2010

brandoncorp sent you a video: ""When I Look at the Blood" by Godfrey Birtill"

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This truly speak to me as I spin daily in my music ministry.
I was tired, worn out, frustrated and at a crossroads in my music ministry. What was this all about? What do I really see when I look at Jesus? I had Godfrey's CD in and this song started to play at the exact right moment (isn't that just like God?). I had listened to the CD many times over, but I never actually heard this song until that moment. I got caught up in worshiping Jesus and realized with all the "politics" involved, my focus had shifted. I wasn't looking at the blood anymore and no matter how pure my intent was, if my focus wasn't on Jesus, then it wasn't where it belonged. I am so thankful that God gave us this song through Godfrey Birtill...all my questions answered in full. God is good and His ways are perfect :)
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Saturday, January 9, 2010

Here and Now

I love how God works in my life! just a few hours ago I was at my home church (on a Saturday) by myself, putting the finishing touch on a display on the stage next to where I lead every Sunday. Sitting and sipping my water and simply taking a good look at the stage flow. You see I am one of those people that believe, that a person when in church to worship, should be fully engaged , what I mean is that nothing should be in the way. I then as I try often took advantage of the quietness of the sanctuary, to play and sing a few lyrics from songs  scheduled for this Sunday. But for some reason something was different in the way I was playing the songs, they were speaking to me more than giving me this feeling  I normally get. On my way home I stopped at my business to pick up something for my wife and went home. 
I want to share something I read on Paul Baloche's blog a while back.  Read on I will conclude at the end.
As worship leaders, we might find ourselves praying week after week in front of the congregation for God to take us to a place we've never been, when perhaps God is trying to speak to us right where we are. The latter creates an atmosphere of people worshiping in the moment. The former encourages a feeling of unfulfilled urgency rather than immediate connection.
Instead of fiery passion, let me suggest we emphasize a mature expression of love. It is love that is proclaimed to be above all other gifts, above all hope and faith (1 Corinthians 13:13). It is love that does not fail when the feeling fades or when the relationships get tough. Love does not expect a pleasant emotion to accompany it at all times. Love does not expect that we will be excited and in awe of it at every turn. Love does not ask to be pointed out and flaunted in every area of our lives.
Rather, love is our foundation. Regardless of how passionate we feel about serving God or other people, our mature, quietly persisting love will withstand the many trials we face.
There is a place for passion and there is a place for quiet adoration in our worship of God. 
God did speak to me, right where I was this afternoon. What was different is  I was loving every moment I sang these song to Him vs. how good  the songs made me feel. 


Saturday, January 2, 2010

From Old to New...It's like tuning your guitar!

From Old to New
Well, do I simply go on like, "What's the big deal about ending a old year a starting a new one?"
I can be playing a song on my guitar and I know something is not right so I take a moment and  check the tuning of the  strings, after all that is important to the whole harmony of the song.
 Well  in the same way  in my life, there is those days [specially around this time] were I feel something is not right. The hard part is to find the time a moment [after all is not our life busy?] to find out what is not right with the Old and do the appropriate adjustments to the New. I call this my "Check up from the neck up." 

May all of you this New year receive God's guidance in those days were you feel something is not right. 
Passionately His,
